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Omnia Radiation Balancer

Bring Your Body Back to Balance

Every time we touch our wireless devices, we are exposing ourselves to Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMF) that needs to be Harmonized.

Every time we touch our wireless devices, we are exposing ourselves to Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMF) that needs to be Harmonized.

Our Points of Difference

Comprehensive Test Results showing Body Benefits | Knowledge - the Truth about WHY 'non-ionising' wireless radiation disrupts body balance | Reviews that tell of how our products have changed our customers' lives.

How Omnia Products Can Benefit your Body

Here are just a few of the benefits reported by our customers, who have used Omnia products to harmonize all the EMF they are exposed to:

  • Better Sleep
  • No more Headaches
  • Phone is less hot in the hand
  • Less 'tingles' in the hand or arm
  • Less stress or fuzziness
  • Better concentration
  • Better mood (more harmony in the home)
  • Less 'fatigue' at the screen

And of course, children will benefit the most because they tend to be more sensitive to EMF.

In our Test Results section you will see all the recorded benefits our products bring to the heart, to blood, to body strength and to water structure too.

Live Blood Analysis

Look at what can happen to live blood cells
after just 20 mins of EMF exposure

Applied Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)

Does the body go weak every time you touch a phone? This is a test you can do at home - and the results will surprise you!

Water Crystal Photography

Water is concious and it responds to exposure to EMF - but Omnia products restore its crystalline structure and balance.

Heart Rate Variability Test

The heart's rhythms are known to be disrupted by exposure to EMF. Find out how Omnia products can reverse these symptoms.

Trust the Experts

The effects that electromagnetic fields (EMF) have on the body can be subtle and some people do not register any reaction.

However, energy intuitives like Garry Lineham, Founder of the Human Garage fascia release movement, repeatedly tell us that our products outperform the others because of the way we change the vibration of the wireless radiation field, bringing it into resonance with the body's electrical field.

Click the button below for more 5-star Omnia Reviews!

Your Vibrational Health Is Important

World's best Electromagnetic Field Radiation Balancing Technology

Balance & Centredness

Everything in the body is electric. Every cell in our bodies is electric current in motion. So, when we encounter other electromagnetic radiation fields (EMF), what matters most is whether those fields are vibrating with balance and centredness (a life-affirming vibe) or with imbalance and uncentredness (the opposite). You can learn all about the difference in our Science section. Bringing wireless radiation fields (from phones, laptops or any 'smart' devices) to balance by using our ORB Products allows the body to return to its natural resting state of electrical balance.

Omnia Radiation Balancer stickers harmonize harmful EMF Radiation Fields on a phone

What Does The ORB Do?

We offer two products: stickers which you can apply to any radiating device (phone, laptop, EV, Wi-Fi Router, tablet etc.); and wearable pendants to balance the body when you are exposed to man-made EMF (wireless radiation). By bringing the EMF to 'balance and centredness', the ORB ('Omnia Radiation Balancer') Technology creates a vibrational match between the spin of electric current in the EMF and the spin of the electric current in the body. The net effect is that we now have sympathetic resonance between the EMF being emitted from our wireless devices, and the Energy Field of the Human Body.

5 Body Benefit Tests

We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our new quantum technology solution in a number of ways. From Water Crystal Photography tests, to Live Blood Analysis, to Applied Kinesology and Heart Rate Variability. We show the effects on the heart, on blood, on water and on body strength before and after using our products, which allows you to assess the benefits of using Omnia products. More importantly, we can share hundreds of testimonials showing life improvement from our base of over 6500 happy customers.

Omnia Founder Tim Sandars explains:

WHY Protect Yourself from EMF? And WHY choose Omnia? Hear from 4 Customers whose lives have been changed by using Omnia products.

Undeniable Radiation Facts

European Commission

"Waiting for high levels of scientific and clinical proof before taking action to prevent well-known risks can lead to very high health and economic costs, as was the case with asbestos, leaded petrol and tobacco."

The Environmental Health Trust

"...double-stranded DNA breaks, creation of reactive oxygen species, immune dysfunction, stress protein synthesis in the brain, altered brain development, sleep and memory disturbances, and increased brain tumors.These effects have occurred at wireless radiation exposure levels hundreds of times lower than presently legal international limits."

World Health Organisation

"The Electromagnetic Fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as "possibly carcinogenic to humans"."