Can Radiation Cause Diabetes & Blood Sugar To Rise?
With 5G technology being rolled out across many parts of the world it’s more important than ever to be aware of the effects of cell tower radiation on both your health and the health of your children.
Despite the insistence of the industry and regulatory bodies that cellular radiation is safe, the evidence conclusively links cell tower radiation to a myriad of health problems including reduced fertility, sleep disturbances, and cancer.
But what about diabetes? Can radiation cause diabetes & blood sugar to rise and what are the effects?
In 2020 a National Diabetes Statistics Report by the US Department of Health & Humans Services reported that 34.2 million people (10.5%) of the US population has diabetes. With type 2 diabetes (a lifestyle-related form) affecting around 382 million people worldwide, a number expected to rise to 700 million by 2035, it is important to investigate whether there are other factors, outside of lifestyle, that contribute to the rise.
Type 3: A New Form of Diabetes
There are two main types of diabetes that most people are familiar with. Type 1 diabetes, also known as ‘child onset’ or ‘juvenile diabetes’ which is an insulin-dependent form accounting for 5-10% of all diabetics and is largely genetic. And type 2 diabetes, known as ‘adult-onset’, or ‘non-insulin dependent’ diabetes which accounts for 90-95% of all diabetics and is largely attributed to lifestyle and obesity.
However, in a new form of diabetes has arisen which is triggered by environmental factors such as exposure to what is known as ‘dirty electricity’ or radiation produced electromagnetic fields, which causes blood sugar to rise and fall due to exposure to radiation-emitting devices such as your cellphone, laptop, baby monitors, and WiFi but to name a few.
In 2008, four case studies in a peer-reviewed publication released by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, revealed that ‘dirty electricity elevates blood sugar among electrically sensitive diabetics and may explain ‘brittle diabetes’.
Let’s take a closer look at the results.
Case Study 1: Pre-Diabetic (normal blood sugar), 54-year-old male
The man’s blood sugar would remain stable when he spent time fishing outdoors in nature, interestingly though, when he was exposed to power lines in built-up areas or spent time on his computer his blood sugar would rise. Part of the study measured the amount of dirty electricity in his home and his blood sugar levels first thing in the morning for a total of nine days.
His stable blood sugar should be around 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) which is the amount of sugar that is considered acceptable in a fasted state. What was found though, was a correlation between higher levels of radiation and elevated blood sugar. This relationship was reinforced when on one of the days the man spent some time working on his computer before measuring his blood sugar. The result was a higher than normal reading of 200 mg/dL. He then spent ten minutes away from the computer and measured his levels again. Amazingly, in just a short period of time, his blood sugar had dropped by 20 mg/dl.
The study went on to highlight that the man is electrically sensitive and can be considered a type 3 diabetic due to his blood sugar levels being influenced by exposure to radiation heavy environments.
Case Study 2: Type 2 Diabetes, 57-year-old female
In this study, the subject, who is diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic, uses exercise to control her blood sugar. Her exercise of choice is 20 minutes of walking at her local mall during the evening when most radiation-producing electronics are inactive.
After each walk her blood sugar would reduce significantly, interestingly though, when she chose to walk on her treadmill rather than outdoors, her blood sugar would increase significantly.
The study shows that the woman’s blood sugar was responding to the radiation (or dirty electricity) generated by her treadmill. According to the study’s author, she can be considered a type 3 diabetic.
Case Study 3: Type 1 Diabetes, 80-year-old female
In this case study, the woman takes insulin twice a day to balance her blood sugar. Like in most homes, she is surrounded by EMF radiating devices.
During the first week of investigating she measured her blood sugar first thing in the morning. The following week she took her measurements after filters designed to reduce radiation were installed.
The results were startling as the amount of EMF producing radiation in her home was significantly reduced by a total of 98%. This led to a blood sugar drop of 33% which resulted in a 75% reduction of the amount of insulin she required.
Once again, it was considered that this woman is electrically sensitive and may have type 3 diabetes.
Case 4: Type 1 Diabetes, 12-year-old male
In the fourth and final case, the 12-year-old boy was rushed to hospital on December 30th with elevated blood sugar. His sugar levels came in at 19 mmol/L and 345 mg/dL, well above the acceptable range of between 5 - 10 mmol/L (mean daily plasma glucose) and 70 - 200 mg/dL.
While in hospital he administered insulin but his blood sugar continued to climb. On January 1st his blood sugar began to drop and he was allowed to go home. As his insulin injections were increased and his blood sugar continued to drop, by January 9th he had reached an acceptable range as his blood sugar began to stabilize at 77 units per day.
On January 14th filters were installed in his home to reduce radiation and the very next day his blood sugar began to drop to the lower part of the acceptable range. Following this, his parents reduced his insulin injections and his blood sugar stabilized at 37 units of insulin (half what he was taking a few days earlier).
Some doctors will tell you this is normal for those who are first diagnosed with diabetes calling it the “honeymoon period”. In the same household, however, a younger sister who had lived with diabetes since the age of three months also had to make downward adjustments to her insulin when the radiation levels were reduced in her home.
The results suggest that the young man and his sister are both electrically sensitive and are considered both type 1 and type 3 diabetics.
Could You Have Type 3 Diabetes?
As you can see from the case studies, dirty electricity created by radiation producing devices can have a marked effect on the blood sugar of diabetics. The real question is: If you are either a type 1 or 2 diabetic, can your blood sugar rise due to the effects of radiation produced by electronics in your home?
Ask yourself this:
- Does your blood sugar increase after using electronic exercise equipment?
- Does your blood sugar suddenly spike or fall for no obvious reason?
- Does your blood sugar change in different environments?
- Do you have difficulty regulating your blood sugar and has anyone ever told you you have brittle diabetes?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, there’s a strong chance you have type 3 diabetes triggered by radiation causing your blood sugar to rise.
Diabetes & Cancer
While radiation can be a trigger for type 3 diabetes, there’s another risk associated with diabetes which is also elevated by radiation and that is cancer.
Studies show that diabetes carries an increased risk for a variety of different forms of cancer, including:
- Breast cancer
- Liver cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Blood cancer
- Liver cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Stomach cancer
- Cervical cancer
The reason for this is because high insulin levels and blood sugar cause your cells to lose control of the genes that regulate which in turn can trigger cancer-causing mutations as a result of elevating blood levels of glucose and triglycerides, providing fuel for the growth of tumors.
What Can You Do To Reduce The Risks If You Have Type 3 Diabetes?
- You can test your environment for radiation by using an EMF meter to see what levels are present in your home.
- You can minimize your exposure to EMF producing electronics by increasing the distance between yourself and the device.
You can bring balance back to your body by bringing all radiation fields that you connect with each day back to balance and centredness. Once the field is brought back to balance the body reacts well as you can see in our test results here. And you can see our testimonials here.
Keep your loved ones safe with the Omnia Radiation Balancer, a convenient patch you can quickly apply to every radiating device in your home, which lasts forever.
The ORB introduces brand new and unique science that harmonizes and balances the radiation field, and you can test for yourself whether this brings benefit to your body.
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