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    Constant Exposure: The Top 3 Radiation-emitting Devices in Your Home

    • person Tim Sandars
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    Constant Exposure: The Top 3 Radiation-emitting Devices in Your Home

    In our modern world, we are constantly surrounded and penetrated by energy that is invisible to the human eye. what are known as 'Electromagnetic Fields' (EMFs) pulsate from the devices we hold each day.

    Omnia's unique scientific explanation is that these radiofrequency radiation (RFR) fields are wave fields of light, or electrical current, which are imbalanced and uncentred. Therefore they vibrate in a different way to the energy in our cells. 

    When a wireless device connects with the data source and asks for data, there is an amplification of this RFR as the wave fields carrying data are sent to the device. You can see by holding an RFR meter next to a phone that the levels can go very high as a result of this.

    For the purpose of this video we are going to refer to all radiation fields as Microwave Radiation (MWR) instead of 'EMF's because we believe that the correct term for all fields of electrical current is actually 'Magneto-Electric' fields because the electric current emanates from the centring 'zero point' which is magnetic. Therefore 'magneto' must precede 'electric' because it births this current as the electricity or light spins itself into life to form matter. 

    Our lives are now dependent on devices that transmit Radiating Wave fields. 

    It is important to recognize which items in your home are producing noticeable amounts of MWR and what you can do to limit the effect they may have on you. As we move from 4G to 5G, the levels of radiation are becoming higher and more intense. And you can see here that the levels are already very high on 4G:

    Before you can understand which objects in your home produce MWR it may be a good idea to obtain a basic understanding of radiation and the different types of radiation fields. 

    Types of Radiation Fields

    Currently, the way the scientists look at radiation is through a bifurcated lens - ionizing and non-ionizing radiation to categorise the energy fields in terms of their potential biological dangers that radiation poses to our bodies. 

    It is important to note that the main difference between these two "types" of radiation waves is where they fall on a spectrum of energy or another way to put it: how fast the waves move. 

    See this image from the CDC:

    CDC Radiation image

    Omnia offers a different way to look at radiation and energy fields. Fields of lower energy are oscillating slowly and those with high energy are vibrating super fast and this causes heat. However, as well as "fast" or "slow", or 'thermal and non-thermal", we look at the difference between balanced and imbalanced wave fields and we argue that it is the imbalance in the wave fields that hit our phone that can lead to incoherence in the vibration of the humany body. You can learn more about that by clicking here. 

    For our purposes here, we will just talk briefly about ionizing and non-ionizing wave fields.

    Radiation Fields that Ionize

    Certain sources of radiation can ionize your cells causing damage if exposed for long periods of time.

    Things like X-Rays, Ultraviolet light, and gamma rays has been shown to be be harmful if you have too much exposure. This is why you wear that heavy metal vest when you have an x-ray, and why wearing sun protection is so important. Most of the ionizing rays from the sun are filtered out by our atmosphere, but we do still have some ionizing exposure in direct sunlight through high energy UV rays.

    Radiation Sources that Do Not Ionize

    Non-ionizing radiation got its name because it does not create enough heat to shake an electron off an atom, or to break chemical compounds. It has been traditionally believed to be harmless to the human body. These sources of radiation are very low-frequency and are believed to be safer than Ionizing sources.

    However, until mobile phones came along, we have never before held 'non-ionising' radiating devices in our hands for long periods of time. 

    Things like visible light waves, microwaves, and radio waves are non-ionizing sources of radiation. The type of radiation we experience from our devices all day, every day is low frequency, non-ionising radiation. 

    There is reason to believe that low-frequency sources do have biological effects on the human body, but the effect takes longer to identify. 

    The Three Major Sources of MWR in your Home

    Now that you have an idea of what radiation is, here's where they show up in your home.

    1 - MWR from Your Wi-FI Router and Modem

    It is near impossible to stay connected to the world without having internet access in your home. The days of dial-up are done, and we're surfing the web over Wi-Fi more than ever. After all, a single Wi-Fi router allows you to connect all your devices to the internet through the air - why not connect them all?

    Well, your router acts like a miniature cell tower communicating with all your connected devices. Each device sends pings back and forth to the router using special radio waves. 

    Your router is constantly radiating MWR to keep all of your devices connected to the internet. 

    Mobile devices polling data 900 times per day

    How to cut down MWR exposure from your router

    • Use wired cable internet when ever you can. These connections use wires to connect to the internet instead of radiating radio waves.
    • Keep your router in a remote place, away from where you work, eat or sleep. 
    • Turn your router off overnight. If you are not using an internet connection while you sleep, there is no reason to keep your Wi-Fi on.
    • Purchase a low radiation router that uses less powerful radio waves to deliver a signal.

    2 - Your Computer Radiates too 

    In order to use that Wi-Fi effectively, you must have a computer. And whether you are using a desktop or a laptop computer, you are exposing yourself to microwave radiation. 

    Most of us use our computers for work, gaming, entertainment, and socializing, so we are constantly using these devices near our bodies.

    We spend so much time with our computers that we are consistently exposing ourselves to MWR radiation at close range.

    Laptops sit directly on your body and could possibly cause biological effects due to their proximity to your reproductive organs.

    What can you do to cut down on your exposure?

    • Limit the time you are exposed to your computer and take frequent breaks from the screen time.
    • Don’t rest your computer on your lap.
    • Power your computer completely down when you are not using it.
    • Use a laptop radiation shield between the device and your lap to reduce the mount of radiation that reaches your body.
    • Use a laptop stand and keep it a foot or more from you on your desk.
    • Hardwire your laptop/

    3 - Your Cell Phone

    Your cell phone goes with you every where you go. At this point, most of us could not live without our cell phones or the convenience that they provide.

    Constantly in your pocket or in your bag, your cell phone is the most constant and strongest source of wireless microwave radiation that you experience. Our cell phones are constantly connecting to cell towers, Wi-Fi signals, and power sources using radio waves that pass through your body.

    The volume of wave fields hitting your cell phone goes up and down during the day as your data demands peak and subside. If you are looking for a signal from a celltower a long way away, this searching effect can amplify the signal tension. If you're downloading a lot of video, or you're streaming every second or so, your phone connects to the closest tower to pull data - and the MWR levels will spike. Constant exposure to high volumes of these imbalanced radiation wave fields means the body is always in 'coping' mode. 

    More and more peer-reviewed scientific evidence,  such as the BioInitiative Report is showing that constantly being exposed to this type of radiation could possibly bring about unwanted effects on the human body over time. 

    What can you do to cut down on your exposure?

    • Store your phone away from your body.
    • When on the go, consider sticking it in a bag or backpack instead of carrying it in your bra or pants pocket.
    • When at home, keep it on a counter or table where you have access, but it isn’t constantly close.
    • Use your phone hands free or on speaker mode to keep your phone’s radiation away from your head.
    • Turn your phone off at night or when you know you will not be using it.

    Other Radiating Devices in Your Home

    Okay, we said "three" but our world is becoming ever-reliant on these "smart" devices that all emit MWR. So here are a few more

    Here are some more devices that can add to the radiation you experience every day both inside your home and while you are out and about.

    Your Microwave oven emits Microwave Radiation

    It's in the name, so it should be obvious. Your microwave gives off radiation fields every time you use it to heat something up. The microwaves that heat your food aren't completely stopped by the plastic door. They radiate throughout your home.

    Home Smart Devices

    Smart devices in your home like smart speakers, smart TVs, smart lights, and smart thermostats give off radiation throughout the day as they communicate with each other to provide you with your convenient services.

    Smart Wearables

    Wearable devices like smart watches or wireless headphones that connect to your Wi-Fi, Cellular Network, or to your phone through Bluetooth give off microwave radiation. These devices often sit directly on the body, and they use radio waves to bring you your information.

    Your Car 

    If you measure the microwave radiation levels in your car, especially as you go down a main road in an urban area, the meter will show very high readings indeed. 

    Your Smart Meter 

    The whole idea of a 'smart' meter is a controversial one. However, for those who have been forced to put one in, they can transmit very high levels of radiation. 

    Interesting Reads.

    The Cancer Association on UV Rays and Ionization

    The CDC on Ionizing V Non-ionizing Radiation

    2020 Consensus Statement of UK and International Medical and Scientific Experts and Practitioners on Health Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR)


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