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    What is the Difference between Ionizing & Non-ionizing Radiation?

    Radiation, at its core, is another term for the emission of energy. Every substance in the universe emits some type of energy, so whether you’re sitting at your computer now or scrolling on your phone, the devices are radiating an so are you: you are a source of radiation, as is everything around you.

    Radiation has become a 'dirty word'. However, given that everything emits radiation, we are surrounded by radiation every day hence it is a natural part of our existence to endure the presence of radiation. It is what heats up the earth, it allows us to listen to the radio, to make calls on our phones, or watch videos on our laptops. 

    Harmful vs Harmless Radiation

    From the conventional physics perspective, most of the radiation that we are exposed to is thought to be harmless. These principles have been challenged by new health studies such as the BioInitiative Report, which show that diseases are being caused in rats at extremely low frequencies. 

    There are, however, some substances, materials, and devices which everyone can agree give off harmful radiation, such as X-rays. The difference between harmful and benign radiation has traditionally been determined by whether the frequency of the radiation waves will cause damaging effects to an atom or cell.

    You can measure the speed of a wavelength. As frequencies get faster and more intense, it creates more heat and the radiation is observed to cause two effects which are very similar: it either caused a chemical compound to break or it shook the electron off the atom. The term to describe this phenomena was listed as ‘ionizing’ radiation - and this was deemed harmful to the atom and therefore the human cell.

    If the radiation field was at a lower frequency, and was not intense enough to break a chemical compound in a short space of time, nor to shake the electron off the atom, then it was categorised as ‘non-ionizing’ and it was labelled harmless.  

    The Electromagnetic Spectrum

    The science world then put together a chart of all the different sources of all radiating devices showing what frequencies they emit called the Electromagnetic Spectrum. However as we will see later, Omnia believes this to be an outdated chart based on the wrong principles in science: 

    Electromagnetic Spectrum showing 4G to 5G frequencies

    Notice that as the frequency increases (from 50Hz to 30GHz and more), at the same time the wavelength gets shorter (from 6000 km to cm and mm). So as the wavelength get shorter the cycles get faster and this creates more energy which disrupts the atom. So when we move from 4G to 5G, we are exposing ourselves to energy that is faster but doesn't travel as far. This explains why the 5G radiation fields to not have a large range and it is anticipated that there will be a 5G cell tower or antenna every 400 metres or so - and that's a LOT of extra microwave radiation. 

    The electromagnetic spectrum is the standard and traditional way that all radiation safety has been measured, in terms of whether the radiation is ionizing or non-ionizing and whether it has the capability to cause damage. 

    The EM spectrum is the range of all types of EM radiation. Radiation travels and spreads out as it goes and can be described in terms of a stream of mass-less particles, called photons, each traveling in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light. Each photon contains a certain amount of energy. 

    The different types of radiation are defined by the amount of energy found in the photons. Radio waves have photons with low energies and gamma-rays the highest, making up each end of the EM spectrum. Between the two are microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light and x-rays.

    The Ionizing / Non-Ionizing Distinction 

    'Ionizing' Radiation

    • Short wavelength/ high frequency, higher energy. 
    • Has sufficient energy to produce ions in matter at the molecular level
    • Produces enough energy to shake an electron off an atom. 
    • Breaks chemical bonds. 

    'Non-Ionizing' Radiation 

    • Longer wavelength/lower frequency lower energy. 
    • Does not produce enough energy to shake an electron off an atom, nor to break chemical bonds. 

    Ionization is the term given to the process by which electrons are removed from their orbit around a particular atom, causing that atom to become charged, or ionized. This process can occur when radiation of sufficient strength interacts with normal atoms. 

    Radiation that is not powerful enough to trigger this process is known as non-ionizing. The division between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation occurs in the ultraviolet (UV) range, which is why that range is split into UV-A and UV-B rays.


    Conventional science postulates that by fundamentally changing the chemical makeup of an atom, ionizing radiation can cause molecular damage and the unchecked cellular growth known as cancer. If exposed to human reproductive organs, ionizing radiation can also lead to future birth defects in unborn children.

    Ionizing radiation does possess valuable properties, however, and has been widely adopted in the field of modern healthcare. Medical imaging, such as x-rays, rely on man-made ionizing radiation. Radiotherapy is used to treat conditions, including cancer, by obliterating targeted areas of tissue. Unsurprisingly, the same dangers that occur from natural radiation are present with the manufactured kind, and side effects from high doses of radiation treatment can be serious in and of themselves.

    Non-Ionizing Radiation

    Examples of non-ionizing radiation include infrared, microwaves, and light along the visible spectrum. This form of radiation is capable of exciting atoms and in turn heating them up - that’s how a microwave oven works. 

    Human biological tissue is not exempt from this effect, but the effects are much less measurable because the non-ionizing frequencies we’re exposed to are much slower. 

    The best example we have is also the reason we have life on our planet - the sun. Overexposure to the sun's rays causes the skin to cook and eventually burn, even though only a small fraction of that which reaches the surface of the Earth is considered to be ionizing. 

    A Different Understanding of the Energy Fields Around Us

    While all of the above is accepted and understood by conventional physics, a new understanding of physics, as discovered by Professor Lakicevic the creator of the Omnia technology, has revealed a deeper understanding of how non-ionizing radiation could affect our cells. 

    This understanding is based on the critical fact that we are electrical beings having a biological experience.

    Every cell in our body relies on electrical current to exist and function.

    Moreover, it has particular phases, or ‘spin’ effects which are crucial to keep in balance for our good health.

    The spin of electric current in phone radiation is not in the same pattern as the spin of the electrical current in the human cell.

    The Distinction: Balanced or Imbalanced

    According to Prof. Lakicevic, all energy fields are either ‘balanced’ or 'imbalanced'.  This is discussed at length in our page on the True Concept of the Atom.  

    Reframing our evaluation of radiation being either 'harmful' or 'harmless' within this distinction gives us a different understanding of where the potential dangers could lie. It doesn't matter that a radiation field is low frequency and 'non-ionizing': if the field is imbalanced and uncentred, then this can cause dissonance in our cells. 

    Balanced electrical energy fields have characteristics of a centred zero point and a torus-shaped light ring where the two phases of the wave field are in equilibrium. This means that the light ring has a ‘compression’ phase which is balanced with the ‘expansion’ phase of the light ring as it discharges itself to the ether. An example of balanced radiation is the Sun’s rays. This balanced energy field gives birth to all life, it grows all our food and as human beings, we cannot live without sunlight. 

    An example of ‘imbalanced’ radiation, where the zero point is not aligned with the centre, is man-made radiation. Electrical fields made by man used to generate and pass data have this feature and are therefore not in the same vibrational pattern as the human cell.

    This 20 minute video of How to Harmonise a Radiation Field offers a fuller understanding of this distinction. 

    When exposed to a radiation field, it is the excitement of the atomic structure within the cell alone, rather than whether or not heat is generated, that causes the disturbance.  

    A New Version of the Electromagnetic Spectrum? 

    So according to Omnia, and from the new scientific findings of Dr Lakicevic, this is the classification of Microwave Radiation that is important: 

     Type of Radiation
    Characteristic / Features
    The Sun 

    Zero Point resting at the geometric centre of the wave field 

    Balance between the 'expansion' and the 'compression' phase of the light ring (electrical current)

    The Human Body
    Cells that show a perfect torus shape, denoting balance in the electrical current of the light ring

    Low Frequency

    Man Made Wireless Radiation Fields (4G, 5G, Wi-Fi)

    Zero Point that strays away from the geometric centre of the vibrating wave field. 

    IMBALANCE between the 'expansion' and the 'compression' phase of the light ring (electrical current)

    High Frequency


    As above, except because the frequency is higher, the vibration of the wave field is faster, meaning that this has the potential to cause harm faster. 
    If a radiation field is 'imbalanced', it has potential to cause imbalanced biological effects to wave fields that are 'balanced' (because of the law of resonance). And the faster this imbalanced wave field is vibrating, the quicker the damage will be done. Hence X-rays will cause biological effects sooner than mobile phones. 

    You can also see effects observed from low frequency, man-made wireless radiation fields in the Omnia test results.



    National Cancer Institute on Ionizing Radiation

    The CDC on Ionizing Radiation and Reproductive Health

    The CDC on Non-ionizing Radiation

    University of Maryland on our cellular relationship to electricity

    Ilija Lakicevic, ""Aton" True Cell, Atom and Particle Concept", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR

    The Electromagnetic Spectrum image comes from Wikimedia Commons