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Why Are Kids More Sensitive to Wireless Radiation?

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Why Are Kids More Sensitive to Wireless Radiation?

“Children are our greatest treasure. They are our future.” - Nelson Mandela

Early Adoption means Early Exposure to EMF Radiation

The children of today’s generation are more digitally savvy than any generation that came before them. Ask any 11 or 12 year old, and chances are that they will be much more clued into the latest viral internet trends than you are. 

While this sense of comfort with technology has thrown open several new creative and educational opportunities to younger children, it also means that they are constantly in contact with wireless devices throughout much of their lives.

This beg the question - does this constant exposure to wireless radiation affect the well-being of children? Let’s explore this question in detail today. 

EMF: How it Affects The Human Body 

Several scientific studies over the years have evaluated the effects of EMF radiation on human beings.

It is a fact that our body’s nervous system relies on electrical signals to send and receive messages on almost every biological activity - and these cells can get excited and impacted by exposure to EMF radiation.

Our research at Omnia demonstrates how each atom in the human body resonates at a balanced vibrational frequency. However, exposure to ambient radiation with a different frequency than our own (which is the case with EMF radiation) can throw our bodies into a state of dissonance or imbalance.

If such an imbalance continues, it could negatively impact our physical, mental and emotional well-being - causing issues from sleep disorders to depression

Why Does EMF Radiation Affect Children More than Adults?

A report published in 2000, commonly called the ‘Stewart Report’ by the UK Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, stated that children may be more vulnerable to the effects of EMF radiation compared to any other age group. 

While we are aware of the effects of EMF radiation on adults, why is it that young children are perceived to be more sensitive to wireless radiation? The answer lies in their rapidly evolving physical and mental capabilities. 

Since young children’s brains and bodies are still in a developing stage and are not fully formed, they appear to be more susceptible to the effects of wireless radiation. Here are three crucial reasons why children are more sensitive to EMF than adults.

1 - Higher Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) In Children

While the skull thickness of adults is around 2mm, it is only 0.5mm for 5-year-olds and 1mm for 10-year-olds. Additionally, the ionic content and moisture content is higher in children versus adults.

This difference in the skull thickness, smaller head diameter, and high moisture and ionic content increases the specific absorption rate, or SAR, of children in comparison to adults.

SAR refers to the rate at which energy is absorbed per unit mass by the human body when it is exposed to radiofrequency. This is the predominant way that our phones are tested for safety, which we talk about in this article.

An article published by Gandhi et al. in 2012 revealed that the SAR for a 10-year-old child is up to a whopping 153% more than the SAR usually used to evaluate the cellphone safety certification process. 

The study also noted that if electrical properties are considered, a child’s head absorption rate could be up to two times that of adults, and the absorption of their skull’s bone marrow could be up to 10 times that of adults. This higher rate of absorption of wireless radiation in children makes them more vulnerable to EMF exposure than adults. 

Cellphones that are currently approved as "safe for use" by the public are designed for the SAR tolerance limits for adults, not children. 

2 - Higher Sensitivity Of The Nervous System In Children

An article published by Dr. Jin-Hwa Moon states that the developing nervous system found in children are more conductive in nature.

This means that their nervous system ends up absorbing more electromagnetic energy than adults do, even when exposed to the same level of EMF radiation.

3 - A Lifetime Of Exposure

While the baby boomer and Gen X generation may still remember a time where there were no cell phones in use, and millenials entered the smart phone generation in their teens, Gen Z has had untethered access to wireless devices since their infancy.

This means that kids today have experienced constant exposure to wireless radiation by cell phones, TVs, laptops and other wireless devices since they were in utero.

As a result, the children of today will be exposed to EMF radiation for a longer duration than today’s adults. The impact of EMF on their physical and mental well-being should be given serious consideration.

Is This Cause For Concern?

Here's Devra Davis, a Professor of Medicine, President and Founder of the Environmental Health Trust talking about the potential effects of microwave radiation.

As you can see from the reasons stated above, if an adult human body is like antennae that absorbs and responds to wireless radiation, a child’s antennae is much stronger!

Keeping this in mind, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a new set of recommendations in December 2017 that were aimed at limiting the exposure of EMF radiation in children.

While this isn't a cause for panic, it does mean that children are more sensitive to the effects of EMF than adults, and their exposure to the use of wireless devices should be regulated accordingly. 

5 Tips To Limit Your Child's EMF Exposure

It is unrealistic to expect zero EMF exposure in today’s society. However, there are easy ways by which you can significantly reduce the EMF levels that your children are exposed to in their daily lives:

1 - Restrict Their Screen Time

Earmark a limited duration of screen time for your children. This applies not just to cell phones but also to tablets, laptops, and TV. This will not only reduce their exposure to EMF radiation but also encourage them to seek out other creative hobbies, physical exercise and offline social interaction that is crucial for their overall self-development.

2 - Keep Wireless Devices Away From Their Bedrooms

Make a conscious decision to store all wireless devices away from the bedrooms or playrooms where your children spend most of their time.

This also means that your Wi-Fi router should be installed in a spot that is the furthest away from these rooms and it should definitly be turned off overnight. 

3 - No Wireless Gadgets At Night

Make it a habit to turn off all the wireless devices in your home - especially your Wi-Fi router - before you go to sleep. You don't need to be connected to th internet while you're dreaming!

This will drastically cut the EMF exposure in your children and you as well.

4 - Don’t Store Cell Phone In Baby Carriers

In case you are taking your toddler or newborn out for a walk, it’s a good idea to not keep your cellphone in the storage area of your carrier.

5 - EMF Protection for Kids: harmonize the Radiation Energy in each Device they Touch

Radiofrequency shields or products that create resonance between your body and your devices can be one way to reduce the EMF impact on your kiddos. When you're choosing a product, just make sure that you're muscle testing and tuning in to your body to ensure that the products you choose is the right one for you and your family. 

EMF and Children: Final Thoughts

The progress and fate of humankind lie in the hands of our children. That’s why it should be our priority to ensure the safest and most conducive environment for them to thrive in during their formative years.

By being aware of the higher sensitivity of children toward EMF, we can be in a better position to find potential ways to limit their use of wireless devices and their exposure to wireless radiation.


References & Interesting Reads

EMF-limiting recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics
Article: Health effects of electromagnetic fields on children
Article: The underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children
Article: Sensitivity of children to electromagnetic fields 
The Stewart Report: Independent expert group on mobile phones
Study: The effect of chronic exposure to EMF on sleep quality, stress, depression and anxiety
Study: Occupational electromagnetic field exposures associated with sleep quality

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Omnia Product Q&A

It is very important to use Omnia EMF protection products at home to keep children safe because they react worse than adults to EMF on account of: 1) the higher water content in their bodies (see Omnia's water structure tests that demonstrate the imbalance in water caused by EMF, 2) their thinner skulls (which provide less shielding for the brain than adults have), and 3) the fact that their organs are growing and this requires electrical stability in the body. There are also many cases of children reacting badly to celltowers at their schools and even child cancers that parents have associated with EMF exposure, and on top of that some researchers are detecting new types of diabetes in children that they attribute to exposure to EMF and a weakening of the pancreas. See our article on why kids are more sensitive to EMF below. For children who do not use cellphones, an Omnia pendant is a very good idea so that their bodies are harmonized whatever 3rd party wireless radiation fields they are exposed to. Otherwise it is a very good idea to harmonize the EMF coming out of every device at home by using Omnia stickers which produce a network of good vibes in the house.

Omnia has heard many reports from parents that their children are badly affected by EMF and it changes their behaviour. They can become either withdrawn or moody, irritable, restless or tetchy. They can develop headaches or sleep irregularities. Children can be very sensitive to EMF, more than adults are (see this article for an explanation of why this happens:, and it is super important to notice any reactions such as tingling, fuzziness, or any electrical reaction in the body. Remember our bodies are electric and we are conditioned to respond to imbalanced electrical fields such as EMF, which is why we recommend Omnia Radiation Balancer EMF protection products to harmonize the energy coming out of every wireless device in your home, making it safer for children. For more information about how EMF affects children, please see the website or the Children's Health Defense website.

It is very important to use Omnia EMF protection products at home to keep children safe because they react worse than adults to EMF on account of: 1) the higher water content in their bodies (see Omnia's water structure tests that demonstrate the imbalance in water caused by EMF, 2) their thinner skulls (which provide less shielding for the brain than adults have), and 3) the fact that their organs are growing and this requires electrical stability in the body. There are also many cases of children reacting badly to celltowers at their schools and even child cancers that parents have associated with EMF exposure, and on top of that some researchers are detecting new types of diabetes in children that they attribute to exposure to EMF and a weakening of the pancreas. See our article on why kids are more sensitive to EMF below. For children who do not use cellphones, an Omnia pendant is a very good idea so that their bodies are harmonized whatever 3rd party wireless radiation fields they are exposed to. Otherwise it is a very good idea to harmonize the EMF coming out of every device at home by using Omnia stickers which produce a network of good vibes in the house.

Omnia has heard many reports from parents that their children are badly affected by EMF and it changes their behaviour. They can become either withdrawn or moody, irritable, restless or tetchy. They can develop headaches or sleep irregularities. Children can be very sensitive to EMF, more than adults are (see this article for an explanation of why this happens:, and it is super important to notice any reactions such as tingling, fuzziness, or any electrical reaction in the body. Remember our bodies are electric and we are conditioned to respond to imbalanced electrical fields such as EMF, which is why we recommend Omnia Radiation Balancer EMF protection products to harmonize the energy coming out of every wireless device in your home, making it safer for children. For more information about how EMF affects children, please see the website or the Children's Health Defense website.

Children are worse affected than adults because of the higher water content in their bodies, lower bone density and growing organs so it is vital that their electrical energy fields are balanced. This can be achieved by choosing an EMF protection product such as an EMF Harmonizer, EMF blockers or protective clothing. Omnia Radiation Balancer products demonstrate effectiveness through their tests on the heart, blood., body strength and water structure, which will bring great benefit to any child's health especially if they are in schools that are full of computers and EMF.

Children need to have all the electromagnetic fields around them harmonized, meaning they are now vibrating in a way that is resonant with their body's electrical field. Other options include blocking the EMF using devices such as faraday cages, or shielding the body by using EMF protective clothing. But harmonizing the EMF at source brings the greatest body benefits and has the least flaws, as long as you can prove that this method is delivering health and body benefits. You can see these in Omnia's tests on the heart, blood, body balance and water structure.

Children are more sensitive to EMF because of these factors: they have a higher water content in their bodies (and water is show in Omnia tests to be disrupted by exposure to EMF); they have thinner bones (for example their skulls are thinner, offering less shielding to EMF passing into the brain); and their organs are at a very sensitive phase of growth (liver, kidneys, or sexual organs for example). The younger you are exposed to a genotoxin, the more adverse effects it can cause. There are even some studies showing that new types of diabetes are influenced by EMF exposure, for example. To protect your child from EMF, it is best to harmonize these fields by using Omnia Radiation Balancer products to change the vibration of the EMF into something that the body likes.